Cattaneo, C., Lavelli, V., Proserpio, C., Laureati, M., & Pagliarini, E. (2018). Consumers’ attitude towards food by‐products: the influence of food technology neophobia, education and information. International Journal of Food Science & Technology.


The aim of the present study was to investigate how food technology neophobia level, socio‐economic variables and information about novel foods and technologies may affect consumers’ attitude towards uses of food by‐products in relation to positive effects on environment and consumers’ health. Results suggested that education and, most of all food technology neophobia and information, can be critical factors in facilitating the widespread adoption of new food technologies. Moreover, positive attitudes towards food by‐products were found, even in people characterised by a greater food neophobia and lower education level. These positive attitudes could be considered a starting point for the food industry to design novel recycling strategies of food by‐products in the perspective of the circular economy.

Keywords: Circular economy, consumers’ attitude, food by-products, food neophobia, novel foods, sustainability

© 2018 Institute of Food Science and Technology