We are pleased to announce that the open access journal Foods has launched the new Special Issue “Determinants of Preference and Consumption of Healthy Food in Children”.
Papers may be submitted from now until 30 January 2021 and will be published on an ongoing basis, meaning that the sooner you submit, the sooner the paper (once accepted) will be published in the electronic version.
For more information on the issue, we invite you to read the attached flyer and visit the following link:
Journal: Foods (ISSN 2304-8158, IF: 3.011; Foods now ranks 36/135 (Q2) in the category “Food Science & Technology”)
Special Issue: Determinants of Preference and Consumption of Healthy Food in Children
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Monica Laureati
Submission deadline: 30 January 2021
Website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/foods/special_issues/preferences_healthy_food_children

Thanks for the info!