New insights into the relationship between taste perception and oral microbiota composition

Cattaneo, C., Gargari, G., Koirala, R., Laureati, M., Riso, P., Guglielmetti, S., & Pagliarini, E.

Is now online in Scientific Reports an interesting new article of our research group, which investigate the relationship among host related factors that are proposed as potential modulators of eating behaviour. In particular, inter-individual differences in taste sensitivity and their relationship with tongue microbiota composition were investigated.

Abstract: Fairly poor data are available on the relationship between taste perception, food preferences and
oral microbiota. In the present study, we investigated the hypothesis that subjects with higher responsiveness to 6-n-propylthiuracil (PROP) might be characterized by a different taste sensitivity and tongue microbiota composition. Indeed, the bacterial metabolism may modulate/enhance the concentration of tastants near the taste receptors, modifying taste perception through a sensorial adaptation mechanism or by a broad range of microbial metabolic pathways. the detection thresholds of sweet, sour, salty and bitter, the Fungiform Papillae Density (FPD) and the composition of bacteria lining the tongue were determined in Supertasters (high PROP responsiveness, ST) and Non-tasters (low PROP responsiveness, NT). An important inter-individual variability was found for all taste stimuli and FPD between the two groups, with NT subjects showing significant higher threshold values and a lower FPD than with STs. We found five bacterial genera whose relative abundances were significantly higher in Sts than Nts. this study opens new avenues of research by highlighting associations between parameters usually studied independently.