De Toffoli, A., Spinelli, S., Monteleone, E., Arena, E., Di Monaco, R., Endrizzi, I., Gallina Toschi, T., Laureati, M., Napolitano, F., Torri, L., Dinnella, C. (2019). Influences of Psychological Traits and PROP Taster Status on Familiarity with and Choice of Phenol-Rich Foods and Beverages. Nutrients, 11(6), 1329. Abstract Plant phenolics are powerful antioxidants and […]

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De Toffoli, A., Monteleone, E., Bucalossi, G., Veneziani, G., Fia, G., Servili, M., Zanoni, B., Pagliarini, E., Gallina Toschi, T., Dinnella, C. (2019). Sensory and chemical profile of a phenolic extract from olive mill waste waters in plant-base food with varied macro-composition. Food Research International, 119, 236-243. Abstract Phenols from olive mill waste water […]

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Proserpio, C., Lavelli, V., Laureati, M., & Pagliarini, E. (2019). Effect of Pleurotus ostreatus powder addition in vegetable soup on ß‐glucan content, sensory perception, and acceptability. Food science & nutrition, 7(2), 730-737. Abstract Pleurotus ostreatus is an edible mushroom with interesting nutritional properties, which is able to grow on agri‐food waste and could in turn be used […]

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Mameli, C., Cattaneo, C., Panelli, S., Comandatore, F., Sangiorgio, A., Bedogni, G., Bandi, C., Zuccotti, G., & Pagliarini, E. (2019). Taste perception and oral microbiota are associated with obesity in children and adolescents. PloS one, 14(9), e0221656. Abstract Obesity in childhood and adolescence is considered the most prevalent nutritional disorder, in which eating behaviours represent one […]

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Proserpio, C., Lavelli, V., Gallotti, F., Laureati, M., & Pagliarini, E. (2019). Nutrients, 11(10), 2441. Vitamin D2 deficiency is one of the most common micronutrient insufficiencies among children. Few foods, mainly those derived from animal sources, naturally contain this vitamin. The basidiomycete mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus could be used as an innovative and sustainable ingredient for food fortification […]

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Laureati, M., Sandvik, P., Almli, V. L., Sandell, M., Zeinstra, G. G., Methven, L., Wallner, M., Jilani, H., Alfaro, B., & Proserpio, C. (2019).  Food Quality and Preference, 103828. Texture has an important role in children’s acceptance and rejection of food. However, little is known about individual differences in texture preference. The aim of […]

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Cattaneo, C., Riso, P., Laureati, M., Gargari, G., & Pagliarini, E. (2019). Exploring Associations between Interindividual Differences in Taste Perception, Oral Microbiota Composition, and Reported Food Intake. Nutrients, 11(5), 1167. Abstract: The role of taste perception, its relationship with oral microbiota composition, and theirputative link with eating habits and food intake were the focus of the […]

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2nd Symposium of Women In Olfactory Science (WIOS), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 24th-25th May, 2019 Cristina Proserpio, a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (University of Milan, Italy)was invited to give an oral presentation at the 2nd Symposium of Women In Olfactory Science (WIOS), whichwas held in Wageningen from 24thto 25thMay.  Around 70 delegates attended, involving scientists […]

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New insights into the relationship between taste perception and oral microbiota composition Cattaneo, C., Gargari, G., Koirala, R., Laureati, M., Riso, P., Guglielmetti, S., & Pagliarini, E. Is now online in Scientific Reports an interesting new article of our research group, which investigate the relationship among host related factors that are proposed as potential […]

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UC Davis is recruiting for an Assistant Professor in Sensory and Consumer Science. The deadline for submission of applications is March 1, 2019.  The Department of Food Science and Technology in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is recruiting an Assistant Professor specializing in sensory and/or consumer science with a PhD in sensory […]

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