In occasione del VII Convegno Nazionale SISS appena svoltosi a Matera, Camilla Cattaneo, assegnista presso il Dipartimento (referente: Ella Pagliarini), e Noemi Sofia Rabitti, dottoranda del corso in Scienze per i Sistemi Alimentari (tutor: Monica Laureati), si sono distinte tra i giovani ricercatori partecipanti vincendo due premi dedicati ai migliori lavori di ricerca. Un sentito […]

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VALUTAZIONE SENSORIALE Aspetti teorici, pratici e metodologici Ella Pagliarini ISBN 978-88-203-9980-1 La valutazione sensoriale è la disciplina scientifica per misurare, analizzare e interpretare le sensazioni che possono essere percepite mediante gli organi di senso. Tale disciplina, che esiste da sempre per guidare l’uomo nella determinazione della qualità e della sicurezza di cibi e bevande, viene applicata […]

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Cattaneo, C., Liu, J., Wang, C., Pagliarini, E., Sporring, J., & Bredie, W. L. (2020). Comparison of manual and machine learning image processing approaches to determine fungiform papillae on the tongue. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-15. Human taste perception is associated with the papillae on the tongue as they contain a large proportion of chemoreceptors for basic […]

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Proserpio, C., Fia, G., Bucalossi, G., Zanoni, B., Spinelli, S., Dinnella, C., Monteleone, E., & Pagliarini, E. (2020). Winemaking byproducts as source of antioxidant components: Consumers’ acceptance and expectations of phenol-enriched plant-based food. Antioxidants, 9(8), 661. One of the food industry’s priorities is to recover byproducts and move towards more sustainable systems. Among wine-chain […]

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Appiani, M., Rabitti, N. S., Methven, L., Cattaneo, C., & Laureati, M. (2020). Assessment of Lingual Tactile Sensitivity in Children and Adults: Methodological Suitability and Challenges. Foods, 9(11), 1594. Few methodological approaches have been developed to measure lingual tactile sensitivity, and little information exists about the comparison between children and adults. The aims of the study […]

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Proserpio, C., Bresciani, A., Marti, A., & Pagliarini, E. (2020). Legume Flour or Bran: Sustainable, Fiber-Rich Ingredients for Extruded Snacks?. Foods, 9(11), 1680. The impact of using legume flour and bran on both sensory and texture properties in extruded, sustainable snack formulations was investigated. Sensory attributes determining consumer preference or rejection of legume-based snacks, as well […]

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Proserpio, C., Almli, V. L., Sandvik, P., Sandell, M., Methven, L., Wallner, M., Jilani, H., Zeinstra, G. G., Alfaro, B., & Laureati, M. (2020). Cross-national differences in child food neophobia: A comparison of five European countries. Food Quality and Preference, 81, 103861. Food neophobia (FN) has been extensively explored, especially in children. However, very […]

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Cattaneo, C., Liu, J., Bech, A. C., Pagliarini, E., & Bredie, W. L. (2020). Cross-cultural differences in lingual tactile acuity, taste sensitivity phenotypical markers, and preferred oral processing behaviors. Food Quality and Preference, 80, 103803. Cultural and genetic differences in consumer populations across the world are important determinants for food preferences. The present study investigated differences […]

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We are pleased to announce that the open access journal Foods has launched the new Special Issue “Determinants of Preference and Consumption of Healthy Food in Children”. Papers may be submitted from now until 30 January 2021 and will be published on an ongoing basis, meaning that the sooner you submit, the sooner the paper […]

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Bucalossi, G., Fia, G., Dinnella, C., De Toffoli, A., Canuti, V., Zanoni, B., Servili, M., Pagliarini, E., Gallina Toschi, T., Monteleone, E. (2020). Functional and sensory properties of phenolic compounds from unripe grapes in vegetable food prototypes. Food Chemistry, 315, 126291. Unripe grapes (UGs) from thinning are an unexploited source of phenols useful as […]

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