Laureati, M., Cattaneo, C., Bergamaschi, V., Proserpio, C., & Pagliarini, E. (2016). School children preferences for fish formulations: The impact of child and parental food neophobia. Journal of Sensory Studies, 31(5), 408-415. Abstract Child food preferences influence food choice and consumption. Thus, understanding the factors leading to the development of food likes and dislikes […]

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Proserpio, C., Laureati, M., Invitti, C., Pasqualinotto, L., Bergamaschi, V., & Pagliarini, E. (2016). Cross-modal interactions for custard desserts differ in obese and normal weight Italian women. Appetite, 100, 203-209. Abstract The effects of variation in odors and thickening agents on sensory properties and acceptability of a model custard dessert were investigated in normal […]

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Proserpio, C., Laureati, M., Bertoli, S., Battezzati, A., & Pagliarini, E. (2015). Determinants of obesity in Italian adults: the role of taste sensitivity, food liking, and food neophobia. Chemical senses, 41(2), 169-176. Abstract Recent evidence has suggested that factors related to sensory perception may explain excess weight. The objective of this study was to […]

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